Sunday, March 9, 2014

Five things-Part II

So continuation to this post,I shall now write what my hard limits are.And again speaking, im doing this purely based on myself and im not telling everyone to follow .I dont discriminate anyone who does what I dont and never will .So yeah.



Yes,this might surprise some but from the very beginning,I do not want to do anything long-term(or permanent) thing to my hair . It is more to a religious thing where you cant pray if your hair is dyed.I also dont believe in any products claiming its HALAL,and when your in doubt?Don't do it .So if you see me with slightly brown hair or anything,its NOT cosmetics. I know putting inai is completely allowed but i'm happy with my hair color and I dont have plans to change it,ever .Don't take me wrong though,I love looking at celebrities hair ,and my friends too ! They're pretty ! But for me ? No thanks :)


First of all,my eyesight has been okay so I dont see why I should wear them.Even if I have eyesight problems later on , I'll wear glasses instead or do lasic surgery. My dad says that no matter how good a lens is ,it doesn't let oxygen through your eyes 100%  .Nothing is better than the original.Its not the hassle of cleaning ,taking care of it i'm worried about .Its the doubt.As far as the other products,I dont like doing permanent things on myself so all those surgeries are OUT .I've seen some bad outcomes from those 'beauty treatments' an im not going to be a next victim.I believe that cleanse,tone and moisturize + proper care should do the trick .


It is against the LAW to smoke in my family.My parents made it clear to all of us .To even touch a cigarette is a crime,and why should I disagree? Its a killer to all ,a minutes of pleasure is nothing compared to a cancer,bronchitis when your older.In fact,I made a pledge that if I were to get a boyfriend, it is NOT a smoker .With the society getting worse ,trying to prove themselves 'cool' by doing stupid things that affect them later on ,I'm proud that I have my stand and not fall in the sea of negative crowd

Oh ! Riding a bike is also out of the question in not just my family,but my relatives as well.None of my cousins and aunts/uncles own a bike or even have a license .We cant even be on it !My grandma made it clear to her children to NEVER ride a bike ,and this message were clearly passed on to my line as well.I guess you can say that family ties are very strong among us and heck,why disobey ?There's still cars and other vehicles to learn from .So relax grandma, we wont do it.


Its absolutely true !In my 18 years of life,never once have a drank coffee ! black coffee,white coffee,cappuccino ,mocha, name it! Funny how I go Starbucks and never once ordered coffee.,only chocolate .Well,I dont go there much anyways .Ask anyone who knows me,they know well I drink Milo and other things but NOT coffee.Even during those 1am-2am when you have work to do ,I dont think about ''Coffee will keep me awake!'' .I just dont! I'd just shut up and move on ,like any other time . I guess i'm still obedient towards my parents advice when they say ''NO COFFEE'' during my childhood days.Anyways,i'm glad I dont have to go through this.


I've never been a fan of politics and how they can tear away friendship in a blink of an eye.I hate it when people fight over whose right and those who speculate things which complicates a problem.Its like going through a dark alley with thieves and so called hero who 'saves' you but leads you deeper inside.I dont want to be a part of that community,as if my surroundings aren't complex enough.However,I respect all politicians because in the end,we're all humans with families and feelings.I just wish that everyone can look through the disagreements and come together as one .It must be hard to choose this career path,so I humbly respect that.

I'm sure some might disagree with me but its the choice i'm making for myself.I dont mind the slightest to other who do what I dont because we all live our own lifestyles and its our choice how to design it.For those of you who blog, you might want to do a blog post on this for yourselves ! You might be surprise of what you discover about yourselves ! I know I did :)

I'm sleepy now,goodbye :)

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