Sunday, February 2, 2014

Kick Start with Oranges

Goodmorning !

I had a long good nights sleep last night . I didnt even realize I skipped dinner . Thats twice now.Waking up, I immediately feel starving ,and there's no food on the table yet.So what to eat first?Thats right :


The rich,cold ,juicy fruit never fails to wake me up .Considering we have so much at the moment,its essential we make it into good use ,including as a kick start for breakfast ! I eat about 2-3 every morning but not to much because your not eating it to fill up your stomach,just to wake you up and numb the hunger first.

I've heard some people say to not eat too much considering its hot and acidic (which can cause stomachache) so I make sure I eat at a moderate level.

So I guess thats all.Thought about sharing some info with everyone.Have a great Monday .

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