Sunday, February 2, 2014

I actually went out

Can you believe that since I finished my SPM, I havent ONCE went out with my friends?No, really .After my last paper on the 2nd of Dec 2013 ,our family went to KL to attend a couple of charity functions.A few days later,we went for a vacation in  Hong Kong. On January ,it  was fully girl guide mode. Preparing for camp,helping out the queensguides candidates,calling up other Kedah Queensguides and forming the Queensguide Guild.I had a great time spending time with my guide sisters though, :)

So finally ,I had the opportunity to go out a day with Hanim !.Shes a few years older but we were from the same school.I met her through a mutual friend and we've been close since.She's currently doing her degree in Engineering,graduating soon  .For her to travel just to spend the day was touching :)

Since it was the holidays,the shopping malls were cramped with people.Literally.We were only there for 10 minutes and decided ''lets go somewhere else'' .We ended up having lunch at one of the Thai restaurants , drove around town and went home.It was casual all way through,nothing really new in Sungai Petani. (or I didnt notice) .

I guess that was it .Just a great easy day .Thank  you for the sweet cakes ,which I forgot to take so she had to u-turn all the way back .Sorrry HEHE .
visiting our former school

Just couldnt help myself

Day well spent
Thanks again for coming !

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