Sunday, September 7, 2014

Liebster Award

Alhamdulilah,I've ended my final examination paper a few days ago and I'm back in Kedah.I'll go more in detail on my next post.But for now,I've been nominated for a Liebster Award and tagged by Sarina .Though I hate to break the chain,my friends aren't currently blogging so I have no one to nominate.However,to any readers here who would like to start a chain,come up with your own round of questions and pass them around to your blogger-friends!I can ensure you that it's going to be fun and eye-opening!You'll be surprised with your own answers!

So here goes:

  • What was your first impression of me (Sarina)?
I met you during a Girl Guide event at the hospital and the first thing that came to me when I saw you was 'oh my gosh..she is BEAUTIFUL' ,really no kidding.And what made me more happy was that your beauty is as same as your personality.During lunch,you were such a sweetheart! Full of smiles and saying nice things,always humble and giving me advice for my studies (and how to make salad haha ) . You definitely gave a good impression (whether you realized it or not )

  • Mention one positive trait of mine(Sarina).
It has to be your humble personality.During my sociology class,my lecturer told everyone to list 10 values they hold on to according to priority and my first was being humble.I'm so blessed to meet someone whose down-to-earth and not brag about the biggest to the smallest thing they achieve in life!
  • What makes you uncomfortable?
Being around with people I don't know,even the smallest crowd.(let alone a ballroom with unknown people).I'm very reserved when it come to meeting new people because you never how short or long they'll be in your life.I always bring a companion .

  • Describe your dream home.
A mixture of beautiful wooden floors and modern furniture (glass).High ceilings with beautiful chandelier, long windows with beautiful curtains.What'll tip me off the  most is a big library with the moving ladder (like the one in Beauty and the Beast!) so I can read endless book in a cozy red armchair by the fire .

  • Have you achieved any of your new year's resolution so far?
Alhamdulilah,indeed I have! I wanted to do well in my studies and my future life.I was in a stream I hated and struggled so badly those two years,sigh.But once I'm in uni pursuing something I choose,I told myself that there's no excuse for any bad results and so on .I worked hard day and night and my mid-term /assignment/presentation results has exceeded my expectations.I didn't know I was capable in achieving those things!My parents were equally happy too,and that means the world to me.

  • Do you find it hard to be yourself around new people?
Yes,Meeting new people means that we have to somehow control what we want to say or do so we wont upset or give them the wrong impression.Yet,we don't want to be someone we're not.When we're front-stage,we want to display a positive personality to people .However ,what we were three hours ago may contradict with who we really are ,our back-stage.

There's people I meet that can go along with me in a  couple of seconds and some who I just can't click with .Its not a happy situation.

 To overcome this,I keep a balance between the two.Be nice,be a good acquaintance yet don't forget who you ARE.

  • Shower or bath?
Shower ! Though when I was younger I'd be squealing in delight when they have bathtubs at hotels,I feel its more convenient to shower instead of bath.Bath is great in times of leisure or just relaxing with bubbly warm water.But for a day-to-day basis?I'd go with shower.

  • Whats the oldest thing you currently own?
My pink purse which I bought in MaggieT yearsss ago.I was so obsessed with the brand before and I go gaga every time I go to Penang.I grew out of it now but as I found it yesterday,all those childish memories of mine came back .Ahh :)

  • What are you passionate about?
Learning.As lame as it sounds,I go all out when it comes to proper education.It doesn't matter where/what/when you study cuz to me ;its never too old to learn.Education broadens your mind in so many levels,It gives you an outlook of the world with another kind of maturity,I don't plan to stop learning,ever.

  • Looking back,what did you waste time worrying about?
My physical appearance.Trust me guys,I've had the nastiest things being thrown at me as if I'm able to take a knife and slice away parts of me to please these people on how I look .I believe in being healthy and not be a size 0 .I do want a better body but not forcing myself to do things I don't want to do in such drastic measures.Since joining girl guides,I learnt about 'image myth' that boosted up my confidence about my appearance.I also had great support from my guide sisters ,so thank you girls.I appreciate those kind words so much.

  • Off the top of your head,name a song that makes you feel like dancing
HAPPY -Pharell Williams.I don't know why,but my shoulders start to twitch when I hear this song.I just have to dance to it.It makes me..happy ! 

I guess that's all  .I had fun answering these questions ! Till next time :)

1 comment:

  1. I CRYYY. You're too kind (seriously though!!). In all honesty, you're an inspiration to me. You're very mature for your age plus it's such a bonus that you've the brains. As for people picking on you for your looks, I had to go through that too and I still do. But we've each other as girl guides and friends. You're beautiful inside out and people who don't see that are probably really shallow people who can't appreciate a beautiful gal when they see one. Keep on working hard and stay awesome. <3
