Monday, March 31, 2014

In Denial

THIS is what i'm feeling now :
Once upon a time ,I had very long hair
You know the feeling you get when you just want to blog ,but nothing comes in your mind ? Its like ''Okay my laptop is on ,first thing...BLOG'' Then you open your dashboard,click new post ,excited like crazy and then BAMM.. It hits you .

What to blog about ?

Its been happening a lot nowadays that leaves me frustrated at myself .

I go through other blogs a lot and they mostly blog about recent events/recent favorite/motivational speeches..things like that .Considering i'm in no mood or not an expert on those topics, I am left blank on what to write . (which leads to this sad post).

I had a blog in my younger teens that had 900 posts ! I remembered writing 20 post entries in a single day,because I was THAT crazy to write.Maybe I should read over what I wrote before ,cheesy that your read your own blog ! But hey , I a'int complaining !

Funny that I feel so much better after writing this down ,although this is practically pointless.And I guess I'll be spamming this blog with more old photos, thanks to the discovery of my old memory card. Have a great day !

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