Thursday, January 30, 2014

Stay Strong

The title was from Demi Lovato  ,a  talented singer and actress. Being only 22 ,she's been through the worse struggles in life .She had even attempted to commit suicide at a point.But after she devoted to 'stay strong' ,she managed to get her life back in track.

This post is actually dedicated to one of my bestfriend ,everyone out there and also to myself.It is true when they say that teenage life is challenging,complicated and confusing.One wrong step could cost you a lifetime.Everyone goes through this phase and with these hardships,they mature into better people.

My bestfriend is faraway..not by an hours drive but miles and miles away in the United Arab Emirates.It was hard for everyone when she  actually moved.But thanks to social media ,we managed to keep in contact.Its been over 2 years now and alhamdulilah ,we're still strong.We do get into arguments at rare times but that's  the process of adapting to new time zones and cultures.We learn to compromise and be there for each other when we can.

The reason im writing this is because I know she's been through alot since the move with almost everything.Being in a completely new enviroment does not mean you can adapt in a month or two.Sure you get new friends,you get used to the lifestyle..but there's no place like home.And i cant really blame her when she goes through her 'moments'.

Not only that,to lose someone whom you've known,love half your life wont fade away in a blink of an eye.Heart change,people change.Sometimes love is just not enough.When lust,envy and anger start playing its cards,its a risk of a relationship.Hearts do get broken,someone will be left behind.And the person you thought you know so well,inside and out,turns out to be someone who you barely know ,and you cant do anything about it .Long distance relationsip is a real killer,I tell  you that.

But what im so amazed is that no matter how many times she stumbles and falls,she doesnt give up entirely.There's always that spark that says 'i have to end my misery'.And although  sometimes you just melt and give another chance,its never the same.Sooner or later,the heart becomes bland and you'll finally get over it .

Its kinda awkward that im writing this,but as a tribute to my longest friend and someone who i pour every small and big secrets too.Take care of yourself Nn. :)

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