Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The end of Foundation studies Part I

After a year of flipping through lecture notes and abusing Google,

I've completed my pre-university in Foundation in Arts and Social Science !
(Our happy faces after the last paper)

Initially, I wanted to list down my happiest moments throughout my three semesters but I decided to change it up a notch. Turns out, everyday has its peak and pit . Its merely impossible to sort out your happiness and sadness.  Which is why I'll summarize everything,if possible.This post is too long to fit everything , so I'll split it into two parts.Second one coming very soon.

PEAK #1 ~ The friends you meet along the way

I had low expectations towards my peers during the first few weeks of uni. Since the majority of students there are Chinese,my inability to speak Mandarin really held me from creating an immediate bond with them. I sat at the last row , all alone and feeling miserable. I was told by my parents to speak up and make friends but everyone looked unfriendly and unapproachable so I just didn't bother . It was only after Raya that I really start knowing more people in my class. After some boosts of confidence, I was surrounded by a group of really positive people and not a day goes by where I don't think of them. 

Being the only Malay girl in my batch (that I know of) with very few Malay boys, I was immersed in an obvious change of culture. In fact, many curious and concerned school friends,parent's friends , colleagues and even lecturers ask ''How is it being Malay in UTAR?''. To be honest, there's not much difference . I've never been discriminated or abandoned throughout my foundation . I got along with almost everyone I meet,regardless of our race,religion and background. I shudder to think how my life would be without their endless patience dealing with a klutz like me . From accompanying me to eat out at night, to reminding me about my wallet, or just simply making me laugh my brains out and being all silly. 

Aviy has always been there for me , especially study-related. I love it when we do a study group together cuz somehow, I absorb what I revise most when she's around . Also, we understand each other's wants and needs in our future life which has been our bond for so long . 8 years of friendship does that to you .Yashinnie was also from my school but it was only in Sem 2 that I really bonded with her. I'm almost everywhere with her nowadays ! She's funny, humble and downright kind ! I lost count how many time she said ''Aiyoo...'' to me for my stupidest mistakes.  She has been doing me more favors than I can ever repay her ,and she's always sincere. That's something I still can't comprehend.So hats off to her !PS: She also teaches me Tamil!  Yuki was the first colleague I talked to after our first lecturer forced us to introduce the person next to you. We were both shy and I couldn't pronounce her Chinese name properly XD . We've been best friends since! She basically introduced me to a wonderful world of costume playing a.k.a. cosplay. I love hearing her experiences attending many events and dressing up as Sakura from Naruto and more. I find it interesting that she gives me an insight to what she does and how she enjoys her hobbies.I daresay that I'm also falling in love with it ! 

These wonderful people < 3
Apart from them, I've also encountered these kindest bunch of people :Kalai and Gary. They're both from Ipoh and ACS high school . I had negative perceptions about having 'guy friends' since my secondary days because they few guys I heard off were sh**. Also, coming from an all girls school with strict parents, I barely know any guys. But these two changed my perception on guy friends. Kalai and I met in sem 1 through Aviy and I only got to know him better in sem 2 . Describing him is like telling a story about your best friend.  We often debate about social issues,surroundings and basically things that my younger self had no interest on . Every time we debate,he always comes up with totally different opinions that showcases the issue in another angle that leaves me deep in thought .Other than that, I just love his company and I don't know what I'll do without him.Gary blew me away with his vocabulary. I've not come across anyone with such incredible use of language and writing skills. Considering we're both majoring in English soon,I'll definitely take this opportunity to brush up on my vocabulary.He's kind and patient and is always always happy !

Kalai & Gary

There are obviously more amazing people that I would write about , but by the looks of it , the length of this blog post might be longer than I like .In short, a college life would not be a college life without friends. So for all you freshman , go out and make good friends.

PART II coming soon .

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