Sunday, February 9, 2014

Taking Up Responsibilities

Growing out of my teens , I get this sense of observance of my surroundings ,especially one that involves people . I know people who I can trust , and who are what you call




Words I used alot during my school days but never fully applied until NOW .

Its even worse when someone is all THREE ! I'm just frustrated when a person with a post takes their work lightly ! Doing their work at the last minute and dont even feel the sense of urgency! While they are 'busy' being idle ,the people below them scramble trying to save themselves.They're given extra work to do and manage to cover up . When everything goes well ,does anybody know that it was the disciples who did the heavy load? No.The boss gets credit ,again.

This does sound typical ,but yeah.It really strikes a nerve.This makes work not fun at all ,totally defeats the purpose.So why bother ?

The most funny part of all this is when the BIG election day is around the corner ,they 'transform' into someone so pro-active , taking leads they've never even bothered before , winning the hearts of others .Its repulsive I tell you . I don't get why do you want a title if you don't live up to its responsibilities?

I believe in hard work and I believe in being humble . I believe that a true leader is acknowledged when they work blood and tears for a cause ,not by the work of others.And then? Be humble to everyone above and below you .A leader said before

 '' We don't look up the sky when we are up ,instead we are always on the ground with you .We don't forget the petty work .In fact ,that's how we got up''

I really hope that people are genuine in their work .The phrase 'what a cruel world' are caused by man itself .Having said this ,I admit I am not even near perfect. I've done too many mistakes ,repeated them and learnt from them again . I go up , but I don't forget either . I am open to positive suggestions on how I can improve my work ,and myself . My parents would always tell me to stay humble to your roots  , don't brag about your background and mingle with people without looking at position ,wealth or power.  I do my best .

For all you out there , BE RESPONSIBLE towards your work  from Day 1 . Dont slack off and fake it in the end . InsyaAllah , you WILL get acknowledged the RIGHT way .

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