Thursday, February 6, 2014

Guide Sisters Gathering

I wanted to post this last night right after the party.But exhaustion took over and I slept minutes after closing the lights.

So ,last night ,Karling's family hosted a Chinese New Year gathering at their house ! The rest came at about 4 to help out ,but I had driving class ! I also had 'that' time of the month on the same day so I was dying with headaches and stomach cramps.Im those unlucky ones who get those mere-severe pain each month.Sigh .But since i loveeeee everyone so much ,I got up anyways.

Despite me barely remembering the house,mama actually found it ! I came in and everyone was already there ,helping out with the pineapples and arranging the table outside. It was so nice  to see everyone again.The chatter ,the jokes,the teases ohh I missed it .Everyone is always busy with work and meetings that we cant have a big meet up like this all the time. So it was a blessing.

Once everything is ready,we went outside and start eating .I canNOT believe that someone can cook food THAT well. I mean ,im not actually a fan of chinese dishes but everything looked mouth-watering ! As on cue,Mr Koh scooped up food from each tray and was like  ''This is for Farah ,since she didnt take a plate yet '' .Like ,hahahha.

So we sat and talked and talked and talked . I cant remember what we said actually but there's always fun .Karmim even pulled me in the house to show-off her postcards she got from guides in Saudi Arabia and London ! Can you believe her?? Jealose overload ! I should really get a move on on my swapping .

Despite all the fun ,I had to go back early.But knowing Karling,she made us stay forever haha.In the end,we managed to escape.They also gave some ang-pow yay ! Haha.

It was then I realized that we didnt take any pictures at all.I completely forgot about my polaroid.Owh well.But its the memory that counts.
This was in '13,our girl guide vacation ! Caryn missing though :/

So thank you so much for the great night !

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